Travel with the Leddicks to Sitka Alaska and beyond.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Earthly Treasures

Moving is a strange phenom. You must physically touch every single item you own and pack it in a box (or plastic garbage bag). After an hour or so it is evident how much stuff is in your possession. The task becomes more interesting when you are only allotted a certain amount of space in which to put your stuff. There is more stuff than there is space on the moving trailer. You have a conundrum. The task of evaluation begins and your stuff is judged. My judgment was done on a sentimental scale, my husband's on a practical, "recreational scale." Scrap books of my children, photos and wooden items crafted by grandfather made my cut. Camping gear, a basketball, football, and a dozen pair of work-out shoes made my husband's cut.

In the beginning the decisions are loose and casual, most everything gets in. After two days and only room for one more box on the trailer, some of the same things you would have kept the day before are now in the give-a-way pile. I'm glad God doesn't judge like this.

So now we are on the road (in Long Beach California) with a packed trailer and truck. Everything we own is neatly tucked in a box or stuffed in a bag. (except for some artwork, a Chinese trunk and an antique sewing machine refinished by my Grandfather). These few items are being kept by my son and his wife. This whole process has been a lesson in what really matters. Opening your hand and letting go of what you think you own.


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